OPTO compressor design

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Moderator: Heikki

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OPTO compressor design

Post by Heikki »

Problem with some of the classic opto compressor designs is slow attack and release time. NSL-33-007 optocoupler has fast rise and decay time. With fast optocoupler attack and release can be controlled almost entirely with the sidechain.

https://mm.digikey.com/Volume0/opasdata ... 33-007.pdf

Here's asidechain I came up with
(97.01 KiB) Downloaded 160 times
RV1 = Threshold
RV2 = Release
RV3 = attack
RV4 = Ratio

Design of the amplifier part should be fairly trivial. Balanced line receiver at the input, series resistor and LDR to ground, make up gain and DRV134 output.
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